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Thursday, October 30, 2014

We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections Might Be In DVD?

Dragon X may possibly make an announcement that the next sequel of its movie, We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections will not be available on Youtube channel. But it might be available in DVD.

We Are The Prefects had officially released on 23 October 2014, and available on Youtube starting 12pm today. But for the next sequel to the second movie, Dragon X will make a publishing through DVD, not from the internet.

The reason of We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections will be published through DVD is because this movie will used up some budget from Dragon X itself as for the production. Also, it will be a huge movie and will not suitable to be available on Youtube, instead of DVD. Dragon X will announced earlier for the availability of the DVD after the movie had officially released.

We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections will be released in January 2015.