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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Siew Qi Xuan Joining Cameron To Direct "We Are The Prefects 2"

As earlier today, Dragon X got Siew Qi Xuan to join up with Cameron to write and direct "We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections".

With the joining of Siew Qi Xuan in directing Dragon X's movie sequel to "We Are The Prefects", it was expected to turn out to be a great movie with epic action.

As what was told by Cameron, the story line for "We Are The Prefects 2" will continue as a live event in SMJK Chung Hwa's Prefect Camp 2015. And rumor was said to have "We Are The Prefects 3".

"We Are The Prefects" will hit the screen on 23 October 2014.