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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Galaxy Project Planned To Be Back In Development This Year End

Postponed from flight for about two years since her original launch date on 24 November 2011, Galaxy X1 is planned to be back in development this coming December.

Galaxy's upgrade integration had completed on 18 February 2012 and had also completed a two days Cross Tour 2012 to SMJK Chung Cheng, 4sc1 on 17 June 2012. As the Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) had arrived to Dragon X on 24 September 2012. Dragon X had all preparation set for Galaxy X1 launch.

Dragon X Test Manager, Hongz Teoh told the team to be prepar
e for December's laucnh.

Launch window for Galaxy X1 Development Flight is not yet been set. A height of 50cm booster will carry on 157.1cm3 of Potassium Nitrate as fuel to launch the rocket to the sky. Dragon X will also mark a new history as Galaxy was successfully launched from launch complex 21.