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Friday, May 25, 2012

Aquarius Legacy 2010

Aquarius, a name came from the meaning of water, and also one of the constellation in the sky, is now had became Dragon X's first reusable booster water rocket.

Aquarius had made her first maiden flight test on 17 June 2010. She had also went for 2 other missions, which had involved in the Descending and Recovery Chute test for Phantom X rocket on 21 August 2010 and 18 October 2010 respectively.

Today, Aquarius is now placing at the exhibition spot at Dragon X and awaiting for the planned next and the final mission for her (Aquarius M-41e).

Aquarius was planned to be move to SMJK Chung Cheng, 4Sc1 on this coming 11 June 2012 to 13 June 2012, for an exhibition to the public to view. Aquarius will be roll into SVAC for her final preparation before she was transfer to her exhibition spot.