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Friday, January 22, 2016

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Premiere

DC Comic began to take over the world of superheroes when The CW released Arrow in 2012. Starred by Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Arrow, the show has already entered season 4 this year. In 2014, The CW released a new superhero show, starred by Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/Flash in The Flash.


The Flash

While Arrow and The Flash had entered season 4 and season 2 respectively, new show is coming up next. This show will be featuring superheroes from both Arrow and The Flash to team up in DC's Legends of Tomorrow to travel through time to stop an immortal Vandal Savage. Season premiere of Legends of Tomorrow will be released on The CW on 21 January.

Legends of Tomorrow

Leonard Snart/Captain Cold

Professor Martin Stein/Firestorm

Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl

Carter Hall/Hawkman

Mick Rory/Heat Wave

Jefferson "Jax" Jackson/Firestorm

Sara Lance/White Canary

Ray Palmer/ATOM