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Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Unprofessional Action Breaking Deal for Project Nightmare

Last month, Kedai Iklan Sinaran had agreed to make a cooperation with Dragon X on Project Nightmare. A representative from Kedai Iklan Sinaran, Quek Ching Eia made an agreement with Dragon X on the designing of Claws Weapon, and due to the agreement, Kedai Iklan Sinaran will need to hand over the design by May.

But indeed, the unprofessional action from Quek Ching Eia, representing Kedai Iklan Sinaran by breaking the deal to design the Claws Weapon. For the past few weeks, Quek is not replying any messages from Dragon X about the design although the messages were delivered and seen by him. This unprofessional action shows that he is not taking the responsibility on his word and breaking the agreement.

This could also affected the reputation of Kedai Iklan Sinaran because the deal was put under the cooperation from Kedai Iklan Sinaran, so it is more likely to be lead to an unprofessional action from Kedai Iklan Sinaran itself.