Instead of series with 5 episodes and a sequel in 2016 titled The Awaken, Project Nightmare has been renewed with all new production. Which all of the characters will be making their appearances at once in a special trailer running approximately for 5 to 10 minutes.
Dragon X will be considering of making this special trailer a special script, where an idea of different dimension was stated in the private conversation between the Board of Directors for Project Nightmare. How is this going to be?
Rumors would say that, for the first time, all the production crews will be making their appearances in the trailer too. And the another rumor is that WATP Project will be brought into the script too. As we know Project Nightmare and WATP Project is a different universe where every event in each film will not be connecting. But in this special trailer, maybe they will make their appearances in the film too? The casts and and the crews for WATP Project?
By the way, Dragon X is still working on with the script and trailer release date is still planned for this year.