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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dragon X Made Two Huge Announcements

Last week, Dragon X's CEO, Cameron Tan had officially announced that there will be the 4th sequel to We Are The Prefects. Rumor said that at the end of We Are The Prefects 3: The Last Battlefield, the team lead by Victor had broke apart and each of them walk away on their own path. When a new challenge comes, a new leader recruit a brand new team to face the challenge.

We Are The Prefects 4 is still in pre-production and still in consideration. Spoiler pointed that the villain for the 4th sequel had appeared in We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections and We Are The Prefects 3: The Last Battlefield.

The next announcement is Dicky Khoo will be directing the 4th movie sequel. Dicky is one of the cast, and also holding a post as the producer and head of videographer in the production. One other unconfirmed statement is We Are The Prefects 4 will not be the production of Dragon X.