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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Are You Ready For The Next Sequel?

As for We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections directed by Cameron is in process now, the script for the upcoming sequel is already began. Choh Jia Qi will play an important role in the story as a Hacker from Chung Cheng. Purposely to explain the origin of Black Bone and the beginning of crossover.

A Hacker is someone that is really expert in Information Technology (IT). A Hacker should be able to crack a computer code, track a signal and break into a phone record. This role is very important to the movie because that to understand the origin of Black Bone, someone has to search for the information and put an eye on it. Jia Qi is assigned this character to bring out the origin of Black Bone to the team. Meanwhile, she is also the mastermind to bring the crossover event of Chung Hwa/Chung Cheng.

Two leaders from both team, Victor and Jun Hao will join forces and team up a whole new team, to lead them into a last battle against Black Bone and his Devilish Four. Everything begins from the 2nd sequel when Jia Qi was asked to help for breaking into a phone record and found out Black Bone.

We Are The Prefects 2: Age of Perfections will be released on 13 January 2015.