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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dragon X Unwrapped Galaxy Booster

Just now, an hour ago, Dragon X unwrapped Galaxy's booster at the Space Vehicle Assembly Center (SVAC) to prepare for the next step of building.

On this Friday, Dragon X Engineer, Chester Cheng will come over to SVAC to continue the building of Galaxy's booster. Dragon X CEO, Cameron Tan re-design Galaxy's booster, and this Friday, the booster will be re-do by its outer layer of the booster.

Launch Pad Engineer, Quek Ching Eia said that the Multipurpose Launcher Platform (MLP) will be undergo its last 10% building of placing in the aluminium foil on the surface area of the launch pad.

Dragon X will also start to make a preparation on the Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) fuel, which the first fuel test was scheduled on 25 October 2011.