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Thursday, September 8, 2011

SVAC Being Active For Galaxy

On 06 September 2011, the 50cm height fuel tank had arrived to SVAC to begin Galaxy manufacturing. The 2cm diameter fuel tank, was planned to fill with 157.1cm/3 of Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) and powdered sugar for ignition.

After the arrival of the fuel tank to SVAC, engineers began to manufacture the outer structure of the vehicle. Then, the fuel tank was inserted into the rocket.

The operation in the Space Vehicle Assembly Center (SVAC) again continue for Galaxy, after the last operation ended by Phantom X last year, which was cancelled from designation in April 2011.

Galaxy was planned to be completed of its body structure before 14 September 2011. While the Simulator Deck (SD) and its Launch Abort Flap (LAF) will be manufactured after 21 October 2011.

Dragon X was still opened the launch window on 24 November 2011, at 4.21pm. The news conferences of Galaxy's Launch Schedule and Approval will be held on 28 October 2011, after the first test of the KNO3 fuel on 25 October 2011.