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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dragon X Scheduled Galaxy's Launch Date

The first designed KNO3-Fueled Rocket will made its first maiden flight on 24 November 2011. A Chemical Igniting System (CIS) rocket, Galaxy was scheduled for its first launch in the end of November this year.

24 November 2011, Thursday was chosen as the launch date for Galaxy's first launch by Dragon X. As usual, 5 back-up launch attempts was inserted to the schedule due to launch delay. 25 November, 26 November, 29 November, 09 December and 13 December 2011 were set as the back-up launch attempts for Galaxy's launch.

On 24 November 2011, Dragon X will launch Galaxy as the inauguration operational of CIS rocket launch system and KNO3- Fueled Rocket designation. Once the launch was succeeded, Dragon X might be launch Aquarius for the final time to close up the entire Water Rocket Program in December 2011.

Currently, there isn't any launch window was set for Galaxy's launch yet. It will be announced in the next updates. Galaxy is now manufacturing in the Space Vehicle Assembly Center (SVAC) at Dragon X.