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Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016

Saturday, June 5, 2010

S-XOR To Go For Mission

Dragon X Aerospace Administration (Dragon X) is ready for active the new payload responsible for Solar Flare, Solar Cycle & Solar Heat Infrared observation and interpet. The new designed of the Solar X Observatory Rejectment (S-XOR) is schedule for mission on 17 August 2010, Tuesday at 5:00pm (Malaysia Local Time). Dragon X will observed and record the data from the Sun and the effection to the Earth. Other else, NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) is observing the Sun in the Earth orbit of 34000km above New Mexico.

Other, the Sun is very important to us and to all living organism. Sun released out four infrared to the Earth, each of them is the heat infrared. So, Dragon X's S-XOR is going to observe and interpet the data record from the Sun and to transform the Solar Heat into an external electricity power to be used.