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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Partial Lunar Eclipse of 26 June 2010

Tonight, the Partial Lunar Eclipse of 26 June 2010, or also the first Lunar Eclipse in 2010 was just ended up at about 9pm (Malaysia Local Time).

The greatest eclipse which is started at about 7:59pm, during the Lunar rises at the East of the sky. A part of the Moon was covered by the Earth's Shadow. The image shown that the first capture of the eclipse by Dragon X.
The Cyber-Shot Astronomical Terrestrial Telescope 125 Power 50mm - ATL 20mm's was used by Dragon X for captured the Partial Lunar Eclipse photo.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Aquarius Roll Back To SVAC For The Next Trip Mission

Aquarius, last mission for the water rocket launch on 17 June 2010, is also a reusable 28 centimeter rocket. Launch in a perfect altitude at 3.15 meter high.

Aquarius is now roll back to SVAC for a service before continue its second trip to the Green Reusable Competition at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Chung Cheng on 05 July 2010.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Aquarius Water Rocket Test Perfectly Completed

On 17 June 2010, Thursday, Dragon X had completed a water rocket launch test for the research onto the development flight of the Phantom X, the Liquid Kerosene (LKE) powered reusable rocket.

Aquarius, is a 24 centimeter rocket used for the water rocket launch test on the last Thursday by Dragon X. Aquarius: A zodiac symbol for Chinese Calendar. The named was selected by Dragon X is from the water test, this is because the Aquarius is also known as "water" in Chinese.

For the water rocket launch test, Dragon X's CEO, Cameron Tan said, " The launch is totally perfect, for the 24 centimeter rocket had launch into 315 centimeter altitude above sea level, and it was totally great and perfect for the next development of the Phantom X launch vehicle.".

Dragon X's Environment Research Officer, Angelyn Tan said that the launch is perfect by no Earth environment pollution and effected.......

But whatever, Dragon X is still continued and working onto the Phantom X Project, developing a new Liquid Kerosene powered reusable rocket. And for the updates maintaining, Phantom X MUP-1 first demo flight and maiden flight is still scheduled on 09 December 2010, Thursday, 7:30am at Launch Complex 21.

Stay tuned for the next updated...^^

Partial Lunar Eclipse of 26 June 2010

Penumbral Eclipse Begins: 08:57:21 UT (04:57:21pm MLT)

Partial Eclipse Begins: 10:16:57 UT (06:16:57pm MLT)

Greatest Eclipse: 11:38:27 UT (07:38:27pm MLT)

Partial Eclipse Ends: 12:59:50 UT (08:59:50pm MLT)

Penumbral Eclipse Ends: 14:19:34 UT (10:19:34pm MLT)

Enjoy very much.......^^

Friday, June 11, 2010

Earth Atmosphere Disappeared From View

On the last 09 June 2010 and 10 June 2010, for the whole day sky, clouds had covered all surface of Kota Bharu Kelantan. Just a few of Sunlight entered to the Earth surface. The atmosphere above for Kota Bharu, Kelantan had disappeared from our view on this two days......

Image: This is what the Sun view on 09 June 2010 from the sky.

"The Sun was not seen in these two days. From our vission, there was no atmosphere and Sun be view......." said Dragon X's CEO, Cameron Tan in the statement.
But started from today, on 11 June 2010, Friday........... A suddenly, the sky was view perfectly and the atmosphere and the Sun could be seen. Bad weather for previous two days, and good weather for todays..........

Image: This is what the Sun view on 11 June 2010 from the sky.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

S-XOR To Go For Mission

Dragon X Aerospace Administration (Dragon X) is ready for active the new payload responsible for Solar Flare, Solar Cycle & Solar Heat Infrared observation and interpet. The new designed of the Solar X Observatory Rejectment (S-XOR) is schedule for mission on 17 August 2010, Tuesday at 5:00pm (Malaysia Local Time). Dragon X will observed and record the data from the Sun and the effection to the Earth. Other else, NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) is observing the Sun in the Earth orbit of 34000km above New Mexico.

Other, the Sun is very important to us and to all living organism. Sun released out four infrared to the Earth, each of them is the heat infrared. So, Dragon X's S-XOR is going to observe and interpet the data record from the Sun and to transform the Solar Heat into an external electricity power to be used.