Sky Info for February 2010
The image above shows the position of the planets, stars, constellations and selected Deep Sky Objects (DSO's) in mid-February (2010) at about 7:00pm MST from Las Cruces, New Mexico. It is also valid for late January at 8:00pm and early March at 6:00pm. Clicking on the map will bring up a larger printable (inverted) image. To use the chart, hold it over your head with the direction indicators pointing in the appropriate direction. Many features will be impossible to see in a location polluted by poorly-designed lighting. Most of the DSO's will require binoculars or a telescope.Mercury
Mercury is visible during the first half of February in the pre-dawn East.
Venus is lost in the Sun's glare for much of February. It emerges toward the end of the month as the evening star (low in the West).
Mars rises before sunset. It is now past opposition, but will remain a good viewing target for a few months.
Jupiter is very low in the Western sky at dusk. By mid-month, it will be lost in the Sun's glow.
Saturn rises around 9:00 during January.
Neptune is lost in the Sun's glare. Uranus is still high enouth to view for an hour or so after dark.
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