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Monday, November 14, 2011

Galaxy Design b Considered To Move To High Bay 3-1A

Dragon X's test vehicle, Galaxy Design b was considered to move from the Space Vehicle Assembly Center (SVAC) High Bay 3 to High Bay 3-1A.

The action was considered due to providing a wider space for the building of Galaxy X1 vehicle. Galaxy Design b is now awaiting for the Potassium Nitrate fuel to arrive to SVAC and to be inserted for fuel test. While Galaxy is still awaiting for her three main Recovery Chute and Potassium Nitrate to arrive to SVAC for this mid November launch (targeted).

The other back up launch attempt was set on 13 December 2011 and January 2012. The launch tower for Galaxy Project is also under the construction at Dragon X. The height for the launch tower was designed to be at 100 centimeter (1 meter).