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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Galleries: Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 28 November 2012

 The moon shines bright in the night sky, with the Jupiter below it.

 Dragon X's Founder, Administrator and CEO, Cameron Tan with the telescope.

 A wonderful golden moon during the eclipse.

 Clear sky when the eclipse occur.

 This is the telescope used to observe the eclispe.

 Telescope captured photo of the moon.

Photo credited by: Dragon X Aerospace

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse of 28 November 2012

Penumbral eclipse begin: 8:14:58 pm
Greatest eclipse: 10:33:00 pm
Penumbral eclipse end: 12:51:02 am

Malaysian is available to enjoy the whole process of the Lunar Eclipse.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Mystic Squad (Korea and Japan)