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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Galaxy X1 Launch, Not Late Than 2013

After being postponed from flight 10 months ago, Dragon X will announced that the next possibility to launch their first KNO3-Fueled Rocket will be not late than 2013.

Galaxy X1 had successfully completed her Cross Tour 2012 to SMJK Chung Cheng for an exhibition last June. Before the  completed configuration of Galaxy X1 was launch, a test rocket, named Galaxy Design b will premiere test the fuel.

The launch window had not yet been set.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Dragon X Steps Forward, Potassium Nitrate Arrived

Planned 24 November 2011 launch of Dragon X's first Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) fueled rocket, Galaxy had almost being postponed for about 10 months due to lacking of fuel.

And today, is the next move for the team to move forward to the development of Galaxy Project as Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) had arrived to Dragon X.

The project is now resuming to its development. After the fuel had confirmed to be used, Galaxy Design b will take place for the first launch test onto the fuel.