Don't think so much about 2012 Doomsday. NASA had shown that it was just a new cycle of calendar due to Mayan's end of calendar, it same as the end of a standard calendar on 31 December, whereas it is not the end of the world even, it is just a cycle of a new year. The following expected events that will happened in December 2012 come with these explanation:
1) Nibiru/Planet X Collision - Astronomers all around the world is observing the sky every seconds in everyday in every weeks, but they can't observed the approaching of the Planet X to Earth. If that astronomers can't even see them clear, they also did not received any alert from the neighborhood planet nearby. When said that the government is hiding the case as a government top secret, the avoid the panic in the public, but there are a thousands of astronomers in the world. Are the hiding the same secret too? That is funny!
2) Solar Storm - Solar Storm do exist in the world. Solar Storm is seem very active every 11 years as a solar cycle. Scientists said that the Solar Storm would probably active and it would stop in the coming May 2012. So in December, there will not be any massive Solar Storm that will happen.
3) Planetary Alignment - Due to the calculation of the planetary orbit from scientists, 21 December 2012 will not have happen any planetary alignment.
4) Shifting of Magnetic Poles - The previous Magnetic Poles shifting had happened approximately 20, 000 years ago. If a Magnetic Poles seem to be shifted again, it will takes thousands years to be shifted. And if it happened, it will not bring any disasters to Earth. But the truth is, this event will not happened on 21 December 2012.
If you really understand the above explanation, so you won't need to worry about the rumors spread of 2012 Doomsday. It is just a cycle of a new calendar of Mayan. The prediction is just a misunderstood to everyone.