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Solar Eclipse of 9 March 2016

Friday, April 30, 2010

Mystery Found In The Sky

This picture was taken by Cameron on 5 days ago at the East of the Sky. The computer had zoom it to the maximumpoint and we find out that the object is in a mystery shape similiar to the UFO. The object was taken after a flash of light hit the area before the picture was snap.

Dragon X found that this mystery maybe any of the reflection from the Earth Atmosphere or it is really the Undentified Flying Object, the UFO.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

UFO Found Near The Sun

What are you think that this is??? A UFO.............? Passing across the Earth Sky near to the Sun....................
This file was found and taken by Dragon X' CEO, Cameron Tan

Friday, April 9, 2010

Catch the moon and Mercury after sunset on April 15

Mercury will be set 45 minutes earlier after sunset in a week ago from 08 April 2010. Try searching for the Moon and Mercury about 35 to 55 minutes after sunset.